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ISOC expert workshop in Dublin: Data ethics is more than just ticking a box

Next week the world’s leading internet organization, ISOC, will host a workshop on data ethical practices in Dublin, Ireland.

Irish Times Business writes:

“Research on how organisations can deal ethically with personal data has been around for a good two decades, yet there is still little advice on how they can put this into practice. This is the contention of Robin Wilton, a leading expert on digital identity, privacy and public policy, who was in Dublin last week to give the latest in a series of public lectures on ethics and privacy at the Adapt Centre for Digital Content Technology at Trinity College Dublin. Wilton, the technical outreach director for identity and privacy at the Internet Society, will be back in Dublin shortly for a workshop to explore the practical issues. He says organisations need to go beyond box-checking and compliance exercises when the volume of personal data is rapidly increasing and its potential uses are multiplying in ways as yet unimagined by the ordinary consumer. “What I’m trying to do is to come up with a good, clear problem statement, secondly, to look at resources that already address this or parts of it and third, to put those resources somewhere and make them easy to find and easy to use.”

The workshop is organized by Robin Wilton, ISOCs technical outreach director for identity and privacy, who is a member of DataEthicsEUs international core team. With a small group of international experts, the workshop will explore constructive and practical guidelines on data ethical practices for businesses. DataEthicsEUs Gry Hasselbalch (Mediamocracy) will participate in the workshop.