The High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, which was appointed by the European Commission this summer has released the first draft of its Ethics Guidelines for the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI). In this document, the independent group of 52 experts, including one of DataEthics’ cofounders, sets out how developers and users can make sure AI respects fundamental rights, applicable regulation and core principles, and how the technology can be made technically robust and reliable.
The draft Ethics Guidelines are now open for comments until 18 January and discussions are taking place through the European AI Alliance, the EU’s multi-stakeholder platform on AI.
In March 2019, the expert group will present their final guidelines to the European Commission which will analyse them and propose how to take this work forward.
Following its European approach on AI published in April 2018, the European Commission set up the High-Level Expert Group on AI. This first draft Ethics Guidelines was prepared through a number of meetings since June 2018 and takes into account feedback from many discussions through the European AI Alliance. It also follows the announcements of the EU coordinated plan with the Member States, the Declaration of Cooperation on AI and the proposed investment of at least €7 billion in AI from the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes.