Event. How to track location and not be creepy. What happens when a company gives its customers control over their own data. What is a truly private chat- and ‘skype’ app. Or laptops w built-in security and privacy-centric features? How to engage kids online and not be creepy. How to block tracking efficiently. How to win consumers’ right to be forgotten over Google. What’s the status of the privacy-conscious consumers? And how the heck do we deal with ethics in artificial intelligence. Meet companies who practice data ethics and experts (e.g. the head of the Danish DPA) who can help you get answers on how to and why.
These questions and many more will be answered at the first conference ever on data ethics; European Data Ethics Forum in Copenhagen September 29th 2017. Here we will showcase companies within privacy tech, who helps individuals and companies protect and take control over their data, and other data ethical companies who treat data in a way they want their own kids’ data to be treated.
8 companies will showcase their practices in a short pitch and during a discussion;
TomTom, who irreversibly anonymize location data after each trip and never later than 24 hours, lets the users control their health data from wearable trackers and gives them easy access to bring their data to competitor.
Mozilla and Cliqz, who Mozilla owns part of, are two browsers bringing us privacy in different ways, and the company is doing a lot in privacy on a global level.
LEGO who is a role model globally when it comes to engaging kids online without being creepy.
Wire who gives us chat and ‘skype’ services without looking over our shoulder and financed by the co-founder of Skype, Janus Friis.
Better helps us block the trackers, and FindX search privately, and finally Purism gives us labtops with built-in security and privacy-centric features.
You can hear 4 really cool keynotes; Evelyn Rupert from the UK on the rise of the privacy and human rights conscious consumers and citizens. Dan Shefet, a Danish-French lawyer who obtained a Right To Be Forgotten in a memberstate which later led to RTBF. Daniel Kaplan from Paris who is very much ahead in pilot cases where banks and insurance companies give their users access to and control over their own data. And finally John Havens and Gry Hasselbalch who works for IEEE making standards for AI and ethics.
In all the breaks you can meet experts at tables discussing and answering questions on GDPR (Cristina Angela Gulisano, head of the Danish DPA), IT-security (Dubex and Global Sequr), data ethics (DataEthics.eu) and AI and ethics (John Havens and Gry Hasselbalch, IEEE).
The conference only holds 120 people as we have chosen a really cool setting in the heart of Copenhagen at Klub.io. But we will record it and you can get paid access (at a lower price, of course) that way too after the conference.
Apart from TomTom and Mozilla, who were asked to speak, before they said yes to being sponsors, we also have the British ethics consultancy firm Synectika and the two Danish IT-security companies Dubex and GlobalSequr as sponsor. They were promised that their logos would not be featured next to the huge big data data brokers logos