Google Workspace is not living up to the European data rules, and it is thus not legal to deploy the tech giants’ tools in the Dutch schools. Such were the conclusion of a Ductch data privacy impact assessment (DPIA), and now two ministers, The Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Ingrid van Engelshoven and The Minister for Primary and Secondary Education and Media, Arie Slob, informes the Dutch Parliament that they are on the case and will try to make Google respect the law.
The DPIA, which we have written about in detail states, “Due to the lack of purpose limitation and transparency, Google and the government organisations currently don’t have a legal ground for any of the data processing.” Such is the conclusion according to the Register, who described the privacy assessment report of Google Workspace as it was published earlier this year.
Now the two ministers write in their letter: The Dutch DPA states that the established risks relate to fundamental principles that apply to any processing of personal data that is covered by the GDPR. This processing cannot take place in a lawful manner because of the lack of clarity that exists in respect of the processing of personal data by Google. We do not find this acceptable.
Google has – as many times before – promised the ministers to comply with GDPR. But the ministers are assuming that Google has resolved the shortcomings before the start of the school year 2021/2022. And they are also exploring what the consequences are, if Google does not resolve the shortcomings in good time.
Get the full letter here: