Hear about consumer trends – and how consumers have started acting against commercial surveillance. Meet one very data ethical company, LEGO. Hear about the German/European privacy seal Europrise and get insight into privacy seals market. All input to build digital trust.
Date: 19th May 2016 – 14.00-17.00
Place: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Strandvejen 44, DK-2900 Hellerup
Price: Free for members of DataEthics.eu. Price for the rest of the year: 800 DKR including events 13th June and 9th September. Send an email to support@dataethics.eu
14.00-14.10 – Welcome and a word from Jørgen Sørensen, partner in PriceWaterHouse and in DataEthics Advisory Board
14.10-14.25 – Consumer Trends. Get an overview over how European consumers think and act around privacy and how willing they are to trade their data. By Pernille Tranberg, co-founder of DataEthics.eu
14.25-14.50 – LEGO and data ethical thoughts by Dieter Carstensen, Head of Digital Child Safety, LEGO
14.50-15.00 – short break
15.00-15.35 – Privacy seals. Like with green seals, there are more and more privacy seals, and a new one coming up from the EU. Hear Sebastian Meissner, Head of Europrise Certification Authority and get an overview by Anna Lykke Lundholm-Andersen, who is doing her Masters thesis about it at IT-University.
15.35-15.50 – Q & A
15.50-16.15 – Networking break
16.15-16.55 – Workshops
16.55: GoodBye
Workshop1: Webanalytics Get tips and exchange knowledge on working with webanalytics without giving your customer data to third parties. By Netminers, a Danish alternative to Google Analytics
Workshop2: How to optimize your digital professional identity. Get tools and tricks from Marianne Steen, Steen Digital
Sebastian Meissner, Assessor jur. and Head of Europrise Certification Authority, Bonn, Germany. He has worked as legal consultant in the area of data protection law at Lufthansa Systems Passenger Services GmbH, from 2006 to 2013 he was employed by ULD, the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner of the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. He was deputy head of EuroPriSe department at ULD, consulted various projects on data protection matters and represented the office at regular meetings of the Article 29 Working Party’s Technology Subgroup. In 2013, Sebastian participated in the US Department of State’s IVLP program ‘Data Privacy and Protection in the United States’.
Since January 1, 2014, Sebastian is Head of Certification Authority at EuroPriSe GmbH in Bonn, Germany. As the only EU-wide privacy seal EuroPriSe empowers enterprises to demonstrate their compliance with European laws and regulations.
Dieter Carstensen Head of Digital Child Safety at the LEGO Group, a position that sees him involved in defining policy frames for end-user safety, the development of age-appropriate consumer experiences, as well as ensuring compliant data collection from, and marketing to, children. In other words, he works across the digital value chain. He partakes in international work settings addressing online safety, marketing to children and digital governance on behalf of the LEGO Group.
Jørgen Sørensen Jørgen is a Partner with PwC Denmark responsible for leading Cyber Security in Advisory – Security & Technology. This includes Cyber and Information Security, Privacy, Technology Risk, Security technology implementation and Incident respond services. Jørgen has over 25 years of experience in the field of technology risk, system and operational audit, Cyber and Information security. He has delivered significant security transformation programs within different industries. Jørgen has more than 10 years’ experience as CISO form the Danish Airport, a Gaming Company and a Labor Union. He also has hands-on cyber crises management and incident respond experience from serveral cases in Denmark.
Anna Lykke Lundholm-Andersen is founder and CEO of a startup, DataSafe, that will soon offer companies a certification solution that validates a sustainable processing of costumer’s personal data. The background for her knowledge in- and interest for privacy protection has its starting point in her philosophical education at the University of Copenhagen where she especially dealt with ethics and political philosophy. Building on top of this Anna is taking her master’s degree at the IT-University of Copenhagen, specializing in Big Data and writing her master thesis in privacy protection online. Anna has furthermore years of experience in communication partly from studies and from the private sector.
Netminers Det danske bureau Netminers sælger et webanalyseværktøj, hvor virksomheder kan få et personaliseret dashboard med segmenteringsværktøjer, der kan optimere deres website. Det er i direkte konkurrence med Google Analytics, men forskellen er, at produktet er optimeret til Microsoft-platforme, og at virksomhederne ikke videregiver data til tredjepart men i stedet har fuld kontrol over sine egne data. Efter en årrække med hård konkurrence fra ‘gratis’ Google Analytics, oplever Netminers en stigende interesse for produktet netop på grund af ønsket om at kontrollere egne data. Adskillige danske kommuner bruger f.eks. Netminers produkt i dag fremfor GA.
About DataEthics.eu is a non-profit European think-do-tank. We work to promote data ethical products and services and provide knowledge, collaboration and consultation on data ethics for businesses, educational institutions, organisations, individuals and decision-makers from a technical, organisational, legal as well as social perspective.
The mission is constructive and action oriented in nature and supports knowledge exchange and creation and cooperation on a sustainable and data ethical future with individual consumer control at the centre.
DataEthics.eu is founded in December 2015 by Pernille Tranberg, Marianne Steen, Gry Hasselbalch and Birgitte Kofod Olsen.