20.6.2023. This report shows how Big Tech has gained and gains influence. How do Google, Meta, and Microsoft use their soft power to influence politics via academics, media, and civil society? We use Denmark as an example. (it is originally written in Danish and mainly machine-translated into English with deepl.com)
Download hele rapporten her på dansk
Get the full report in English here
Below some of the chapters/cases:
Executive summary på dansk
Executive Summary in English
Perspektivering & anbefalinger (DK)
Perspectives & Recommendations (UK)
“Som forsker i sociale medier kan jeg ikke tage imod penge fra tech industrien.”
“As a Researcher in Social Media I can’t Accept Money from the Tech Industry”
Google i forklædning af brancheorganisation for små uafhængige medier
Google behind ‘Shadow Organisation’ for Small Independent Media
Ungdomsbureauet matcher Metas narrativer
Youth Organisation Uses Meta’s Narratives
Interested in a talk/workshop about this topic? Do send an email to info@dataethics.eu
Here are other articles related to the report:
Big Tech’s Soft Power to be Investigated in Brussels (UK)
Fik en million af Meta og talte pænt om metaverset (Radar)
Sådan har big tech opnået blød, usynlig, kulturel magt i Danmark (IT Watch)
Rapport beskylder big tech for systematisk propaganda i Danmark (Politiken)
Anklages for “hygge-smøring”: Facebook har på tre år doneret over ti millioner kroner til Odense (TV2)