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New Report: AI scenarios, ethical considerations and recommendations

Artificial intelligence, AI, is a popular topic. A future scenario, in which everything and everyone are connected via intelligent machines and networks that constantly exchange data which decides our options and defines and guides us, is no longer science fiction; it is very close to reality. Everything from cars to lamp posts to coffee machines are becoming ‘intelligent’, and our bodies are increasingly being directly linked to intelligent networks.

AI is developing rapidly in all types of innovation, and it attracts some of the largest private and public investments. AI has also become a global field of competition between countries and regions.

AI is based on the idea of predicting patterns and risks, streamlining processes and then guiding us. The potentials are enormous within health, transport and finance. However, ethical dilemmas are emerging in the wake of high-speed development, where legislation and norms are lagging behind. We as humans are being challenged, our rights, norms and rules are taking on new significance, and new societal challenges are emerging all the time.

This report commissioned by the Danish SIRI Commission and written by Gry Hasselbalch and Pernille Tranberg introduces future scenarios within the three focus areas. The report points at ethical implications and dilemmas for each focus area, but also on cross-cutting principles and not least recommendations for future action.

Download the report here AI Etik-rapport 2018 ENGLISH 04