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Research / Academic

DataEthics-Research/Academic focuses on critical independent academic research. We are developing our evidence and research base. The objective is to conduct and publish interdisciplinary constructive research with a trans-technical and sectoral focus on data technology and practices. This includes identifying, engaging and collaborating with key academic and research actors in the field.

Currently DataEthics is exploring:

  • The conceptualisation of data ethics and power
  • Sustainability issues of the data of AI
  • Data ethics in public procurement of AI
  • The Human-Centric Approach to AI

Contact: Academic director and co-founder of Gry Hasselbalch, PhD.


Gry Hasselbalch, PhD., academic director and co-founder

Birgitte Kofod Olsen, PhD., co-founder

Natalia Stanusch, doctoral student, University of Amsterdam, academic coordinator

Affiliated Scholars

Carolina Aguerre, Researcher and Professor, Universidad de San Andres

Rikke Frank Jørgensen, PhD., Senior Researcher, Danish Institute of Human Rights

Marc Rotenberg, President and Founder, The Center for AI and Digital Policy

Paul Nemitz, Principal Advisor on Justice Policy, European Commission

Frank Pasquale, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School

Nathalie Smuha, PhD., Researcher, KU Leuven

Aimee van Wynsberghe, Professor of Applied Ethics, University of Bonn







The EU Human-Centric Approach to AI: Foundational Elements for a Global Framework, affiliated scholar Carolina Aguerre and Academic Director Gry Hasselbalch.

“Generating AI: A Historical, Cultural, and Political Analysis of Generative Artificial Intelligence”, affiliated scholars, 2023