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Det tredje DataEthics Forum gik dybere med dataetikken

EVENT. With the third European DataEthics Forum in Copenhagen we once again demonstrated that we are way beyond talking about data ethics. We do it. And this year we went deeper with for example demonstrations of how to explain an algorithm and how to built the future digital Europe with responsible data use.

We had amazing speakers. After an introduction from DataEthics (see video), keynote Marit Hansen (see video) talked about privacy in IoT and Smart Cites and a little about the case she won against Facebook pages. Then Dan Shefet (see video) talked about how human rights and big tech do not get along. Then AdblockPlus (see video), Tresorit (see video) and Silo (see video) talked about respectively the adblocking trend, the safe cloud trend and how to explain an algorithm, and they rounded off in a panel debate (see video). Edulab (see video), Axa (see video) and The Playwall (see video) talked about respectively how it is competitive not to track you audience, ethics in algorithms, and how the media in the future either get money or data as payment. They also rounded off in a panel debate (see video). After an AI dilemma game, professor Steen Rasmussen gave a grand vision of the future digital Europe (see video), and our partner in the conference, Dansk IT, said good by (see video).

All participants got a copy of our new leaflet covering definition of data ethics, principles, a questionnaire and FAQ, so everybody can get started working with data ethics in their organisations. Get it here.

Last year we showed off a lot of good examples of companies trying to actually practise data ethics such as LEGO, TomTom, Purism, Wire, Cliqz, and Clue. See more here.

And in 2016 we had EU antitrust commissioner Margareth Vestager (see video) and US professor Frank Pasquale (see video). It was back then that we all started talking about regulating the use of personal data not only as a privacy issue but also as an antitrust issue.

We will be collecting the press stories from the conference below. The first are in Danish:

Databeskyttelseskommissær: Offentlige Facebook-sider er på dybt vand

Transparens og præcision: SHAP-analyse åbner black box-modeller op